Here's some party pictures from the depot museum in Brinkley, AR Saturday evening, December 19. Thanks to all for an enjoyable time.

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LEFT-Sunrise near Lonoke from US Highway 70 on my way to Brinkley Saturday morning. RIGHT-Geese near Carlisle, Arkansas.

LEFT-A cold front passed the depot at 8:30 a.m. RIGHT-I brought this flower centerpiece.

LEFT-Terri starting to decorate the meeting room. RIGHT- A Lionel train set was being assembled.

LEFT-Terri brought some Christmasy-aroma candles. RIGHT-Terri and Bill put the train set together.

LEFT-Ken as an elf....sort of. RIGHT-Train set is ready, and it WORKED!! YAY!

LEFT-It's only around 2 p.m. and the party 'officially' didn't start until 5 p.m. so we had time to mess around, like Terri wearing this Christmas silver garland. RIGHT-Terri and Steve.

LEFT-Steve, Terri and Bill. Note Steve and Terri had their eyes shut in sync. RIGHT-What a difference an instant makes!!

LEFT-Terri taking a break outside in front of the depot. RIGHT-Steve and Bill watching as Terri runs the train.

RIGHT-Pennie arrived with a cheese ball after 5 p.m.

LEFT-Cream cheese cheese ball brought by Terri. RIGHT-Artistic blur to a photo of Pennie and Terri.

LEFT-Pennie and Terri.

Turnout was light, but the few who were there had a fantastic and fun time. It doesn't matter how many attend a party to have a lot of fun.

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