While not exactly the famous annual '24 Hours at Saginaw' railfan event, Jerry Nunn of Fort Worth and I had a mini "3 hours and 2 minutes at Saginaw" photo event on Wednesday July 30, 2014. Nobody gave presentations, video shows, or anything, but in those 3 hours and 2 minutes, we saw 5 trains. Here's my photos. Updated to add more detail from Jeremy from Temple, Texas.

The Saginaw Chamber of Commerce in the restored depot, 1:20 p.m.

BNSF ex-Santa Fe warbonnet 239, 2:24 p.m. From Jeremy of Temple, Texas: "The 1st picture with BNSF 239 leading is the regular tagonite (can't spell)  train to Eagle Pass from Minnesota. It doesn't come through Temple everyday but is a special treat when you catch it. There is a steel mill in Mexico that receives the train."

BNSF 239 and 4532.

BNSF 4532.

HLMX 43172 ex-CNW hopper.

UP 5016, 2:33 p.m.

UP 5016 and 5145. MHOWT-29 (Manifest-Houston-Wichita)


BNSF 1066, 3:07 p.m.

BNSF 1066 and CITX 3086. From Jeremy of Temple, Texas: "The container train you saw is a new Chicago - Houston train that comes through Temple several times per week."

CITX 3085.

CITX 3085 front.

BNSF 5971, 3:17 p.m. C EBMDOL0 38

BNSF 5971.

BNSF 9796.

BNSF 6369 and 8809, the dpu's at 3:21 p.m.

Green, yellow and red display cars at the depot.

BNSF 4787, 5264, 1236 and 1265, 4:16 p.m.

BNSF 5264 and 1236.

BNSF 1265.

BNSF 1265 and 1234.

BNSF 1242.

TFM 60624 gondola.

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