These pictures were taken Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at Little Rock, Arkansas during the year's biggest snowstorm. Little Rock had 6 inches and other parts of the state had up to 2 feet. I've included several streetcar pictures in the snow, including a movie of one running over snow-covered track. Also included are two Flying Saucer waitresses, who posed for me outside in the 24-degree weather during the heaviest part of the snowfall.

This was taken Tuesday, February 8, before the snow, from the 14th floor of the Peabody Hotel, looking toward the west at the state capitol of Arkansas.

Taken February 9, 24 hours later than the previous photo, with 6 inches of snow on the ground.

Broadway Bridge in the snow, 10:04 a.m. February 9.

Old State House museum, Arkansas' first capitol building, birds-eye view.

Markham Street, looking west toward Union Station, 10:58 a.m. Notice the streetcar tracks. Yes, the streetcars were running.

This is looking toward the east along Markham. It was 24 degrees. The snow was deep enough to give good traction while walking.

Arkansas' version of a whiteout. Official visibility at the airport at this time was 0.06 mile.

Streetcar 410 heads east on Markham Street, 11:09 a.m., using 26x zoom. Notice you can't see tracks ahead of it, but you can, of course, see them following. Guess it's leaving tracks!

Here's another shot of this streetcar using a wide angle. I'm standing in front of the Peabody Hotel.

Getting closer, 11:11 a.m.

Going under the skywalk at 11:12 a.m.

Moving in front of the Capitol Hotel with snow blowing off the top.

Cold scene...and yes, it was cold.

I call this photo "leaving tracks"

Streets were basically deserted.  This was taken from the skywalk in front of the Peabody.

Looking toward the west along Markham Street, taken from the skywalk overlooking those 600 volt lines.

Here's a movie of this very scene:

Scott and Main Streets. Here the streetcars turn left to go over the Arkansas River on the Main Street bridge. They were having trouble keeping the switches cleared.

Streetcar approaching the Peabody Stop at 11:52 a.m.

A couple of passengers got on here.

A grader pushes snow aside, coming off the Main Street Bridge.

Going across the tracks.

This was the Green Line streetcar, the one that runs the Little Rock loop only. These streetcars are headed and cooled and even have heated seats.

Streetcar 410 looks like it just drank some milk!

This was taken from inside the Flying Saucer Restaurant at 12:22 p.m.

I got these two nice ladies to pose for me in front of the restaurant in the 24-degree cold with heavy snow and a wind chill of 14 degrees.

They were having a snowball fight.

12:25 p.m. along Clinton Avenue in the River Market.

Snow cone weather.

Another streetcar in the distance at 12:26 p.m.

12:40 p.m. This was the heaviest of the storm.

12:43 p.m. in the River Market.

It was cold, but fun waking in this snow.

River Rail's River Market stop.


Looking south on Cumberland to a white wasteland.

A major intersection deserted.

Looking north to the Main Street bridge and the streetcar tracks.

Looking west on Markham, 1:05 p.m.

1:25 p.m.

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