Here's a few photos of trains in Brinkley and Little Rock, Arkansas on April 24, May 1, May 2 and May 3, 2009 - I only posted the better shots. Some of these shots were taken in downpouring rain. It was so dark and rainy at Brinkley that the town's streetlights came on around noon on Saturday, May 2. Rainfall amounts the past 4 days in the state ranged from 2 to 9 inches and I've included a screenshot of a storm total precipitation radar map from the Little Rock NWS radar.

Also included are photos of a wet, baby groundhog, cardinals, and a mockingbird.

Included on this page:
1) UP 4656,
5014, 8386, 4745
2) LRWN 1544
UP Rail Inspection Vehicle DC-31
CSX 7890
5) Two cardinals, a mockingbird and a wet baby groundhog.

UP 4656 and LRWN 1544 passing each other on April 24, 2009 at Union Station in Little Rock. It was 12:41 p.m.

Note the stopped LRWN train to the left being passed by a southbound UP train at 1 p.m. April 24. Also note the UP utility worker up the pole above the signal.

UP Rail Inspection Vehicle DC-31 at Union Station on Friday, May 1, 2009.

On Saturday, May 2, I was working at the Brinkley Depot Museum in Brinkley, Arkansas (on UP's Jonesboro and Brinkley Subs in east Arkansas). This scene was taken from the old ticket office looking out the window at 8:27 a.m. It was raining hard.

Looking north from the depot at our Monroe, Arkansas MoPac depot display.

A southbound arrives from Jonesboro-Chicago at 9:40 a.m. You can clearly see the heavy rain.

CSX 7890 is leading this train. Note the steam coming off the locomotive's vents. Temperature had dropped into the 50s.

Closer view of the steam.

A train's headlights can be seen as a west/south bound train arrives on the Brinkley Sub at 9:43 a.m. May 3.

Lots of light refraction.

UP 5014, 9:46 a.m.

Through the depot's bay windows.

UP 8386, 1:00 p.m. May 3.

Cardinals on the parking lot of Union Station in Little Rock on May 3. Sorta looks like they're joined at the hip.

As I (along with others from my railroad group) was watching trains at Union Station, this man came walking past us and asked if we wanted to see a wet, baby groundhog, which he was holding. He found it in the bushes and trees that are located west of the parking lot at the station and said it probably lost it's mother. He said he'd try to find another, more secluded, place to put it. He was on his way to eat Sunday lunch at the Salvation Army (he was probably homeless). Look at the groundhog's large paws. This man  was using his cap to hold the groundhog. I think it's great that someone on his way to a soup kitchen would stop to help this helpless animal.

A mockingbird above me.

Finally got a southbound yellow signal.

The Pine Bluff local at 11:39 a.m.

UP 4745 leads six other units on this train.

Storm Total Precipitation map from the NWS Little Rock. The reds are 5 to 8 inches, yellows 2.5 to 4 inches. This was accumulated from April 29 through 4:18 p.m. May 3. And it was still raining as I posted this.

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