Here's some rainy-day train photos taken at Union Station in Little Rock, Arkansas on Sunday, February 21, 2010. It got so dark about 10:30 a.m. that some floodlights turned on.

Included today:
1) 4536, 3862, 4171, 4727, 5722, 7083, UP/SP 6290, UP 2482, 2285, 2460
2) GMTX 2156
3) Ferromex 4602
4) MKT green hopper 544
5) Baretables mid-freight
6) Dark rain clouds and rainy, steamy scenes
7) Gulls flying to Hooters
8) Three stray dogs on platform

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LEFT-UP 4536, 8:48 a.m.

LEFT-UP 3862, 9:00 a.m. I left the camera on it's automatic setting and didn't lighten this scene because I wanted to show how dark it was getting. There was thunder in the distance. RIGHT-UP 3862, 9:01 a.m.

LEFT-Yellow signals tell a southbound is ready to pass. RIGHT-Small dog pack.

LEFT-Dogs going down the Amtrak ramp. RIGHT-UP 4171, un-enhanced photo, at 10:12 a.m. As you'll see in some of the next photos, the platform lights turned on soon after this photo was taken since it got so dark. It's 10:13 a.m.

UP 4171 on the Pine Bluff local, YNL75.

LEFT-GMTX 2156, Ferromex 4602. RIGHT-UP 4727.

LEFT-MKT green hopper, 544. RIGHT-Baretables in the midst of the train.

LEFT-The bottom is about to fall out of these clouds. I missed a lightning bolt by 2 seconds. Temperature was 47 degrees. RIGHT-The floodlights turned on at 10:34 a.m.

RIGHT-The lights turned off temporarily.

Taken from the upper deck of the station looking southeast toward downtown Little Rock.

UP 5722, 10:52 a.m.

UP 5722 heading a loaded coal train, 10:53 a.m.

LEFT-Wet coal!! RIGHT-UP 7083, UP/SP 6290 are the DPU's.

UP 2482, 11:02 a.m. taken from the balcony again.

Note the cold rain causing steam on the tops of the locomotives. Sorta artsy.

A gull heading to Hooters for lunch (lol). I saw this flock of gulls in a parking lot on my way home from the station and snapped a few pictures.

A closeup of one.

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