Here are a few trains at the station in Little Rock, Arkansas on Sunday, February 27, 2011, including UP, NS, KCS units. Also a few scenes taken at a fundraiser February 19 for the opening of the Argenta (North Little Rock) Community Theater, which was attended by North Little Rock Mayor Pay Hays (his father worked for Missouri Pacific), Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe, North Little Rock raised actress Mary Steenburgen (her father was an engineer for Missouri Pacific), and former President Bill Clinton. The event was held on Main Street in North Little Rock (they closed the street the night before) and a streetcar was parked for tours outside the tent set up for the function.

Included today:
1) NS 7528, 9617
2) KCS 4019
3) PRLX 8557
4) GMTX 2126
5) 141 New-133 Worn transition rail
6) CNW 590749 yellow hopper
7) HS 30919 Columbus & Greenville boxcar
8) Closeup of wasp
9) Little Rock Streetcar 409 on display at a fundraiser plus the trolley barn at night
10) Photos of February 19 fundraiser
11) Moon though winter trees at night

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LEFT-NS 7528 and 9564, Feb 27 at 8:50 a.m. RIGHT-While the train headed by NS 7528 was passing on Main 2, another northbound train passed on Main 1, at 8:52 a.m. This occasionally happens here.

LEFT-Busy day. RIGHT-This rail was recently replace (done on Sunday Feb 20 if I remember). Note the 141 new rail and 133 worn wording.

LEFT-UP 6923 on a long empty coal train, 9:18 a.m. RIGHT-Note the yellow reflection in the signal. This is the yellow stripe on the Amtrak platform, which was pointed out to me by John Hodkin, a fellow railfan. (I'll have a closeup of a wasp later on this page).

LEFT-UP 8455 on the right was stopped on Main 1 while another train approached on Main 2 at 9:54 a.m. RIGHT-Head ends passing at 9:55 a.m. I assume the person on the ground to the right is a crew member of UP 8455 doing a rolling inspection of the other train headed by UP 8084.

LEFT-UP 8084, 9:55 a.m. RIGHT-KCS 4019.

LEFT-UP 8455 and its train moving past the other train. RIGHT-PRLX 8557, 9:57 a.m.

LEFT-CNW 590749 yellow hopper. RIGHT-DPU, UP 8004.

LEFT-LLPX 2278, 10:20 a.m. RIGHT-UP 1574 and 4744.

LEFT-HS 30939 Columbus & Greenville boxcar. RIGHT-NS 9617, 10:32 a.m.

LEFT-GMTX 2126. RIGHT-UP 1596. This is the Pine Bluff local, YNL75.

LEFT-This yellow wasp landed outside my car window and I, of course, grabbed my camera and used the macro setting to get it's monster-looking face. RIGHT- Guess what city we're in? I'd say there's enough signs telling passengers we're in Little Rock.

Streetcar No. 409 was on display at a fundraiser for the Argenta Community Theater in North Little Rock Saturday night, February 19, 2011. The fancy dinner was held in a large tent covering a whole parking lot and invited guests were dressed in 'cocktail attire.'  This is Main Street in North Little Rock, which was closed for the event and the power was even turned off for the overhead wires for the streetcar (the streetcars still ran across the river in Little Rock though). RIGHT-This is a night shot of the trolley barn.

LEFT-Lots of police and Secret Service personnel around. RIGHT-This is the couple I went to the banquet with, and generally hang out with. Yes, that's me on the left.

LEFT-In this picture you can see former President Bill Clinton, Mary Steenburgen and North Little Rock Mayor Pat Hays. They all gave speeches.  It was a very festive night. And yes, had George W. Bush been there, I'd have gotten his picture, too. We tried to get Clinton to pose next to the streetcar, but time constraints and the crowd of several hundred didn't allow that. RIGHT-The party lasted from 6:30 to 10:30 pm. I took this picture of the Moon through the trees after it was over.

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