Tuesday and Thursday, April 27 and 29, 2010 at Union Station in Little Rock, using a new site at North UD for taking some of these pictures.  Of special interest is the BNSF local with a Santa Fe 'bluebonnet' and BN green unit.  Also parts of the long-abandoned siding tracks that once led to a casket company.

Included today:
1) UP 1975, 2027, 1959, 6563, 6333, 6619
2) BNSF-SF 8714, BNSF-BN green 1524 Operational Lifesaver
3) SP unpatched 9755
4) Small wood poles
5) Alligator graffiti, REPOS graffiti
6) Black carbon hopper
7) Abandoned tracks that used to go to a casket company
8) MKT greet hoppers 523 and 556
9) Pipes
10) CLRE blue boxcar
11) UP work equipment
12) railbox/TTX GNTX 295381 gondola
13) Rose at my house

UP 1975, 11:25 a.m. April 27.

Lumber, small poles.

Carbon black hopper.

Alligator graffiti.

BNSF-Santa Fe GP60 8714 heading the BNSF local on the LRWN/UP 'Vinegar' spur. It is heading northeast to UP's North Little Rock yard. These two unites usually reside at the Port of Little Rock on the Arkansas River. Also, BNSF-BN 1524 Operation Lifesaver unit, a GP28m. Taken Thursday, April 29, 2010. This was taken on a newly graded entry to the tracks on the north side of Union Station.

Closeup of BNSF-Santa Fe 8714.

BNSF-BN green 1524 with an earlier version of Operational Lifesaver markings.

These tracks once handled carloads of caskets from an old casket company located in the building you see to the right. I think it moved to another location in the 1940s. Corrections and more information on this casket company welcomed.

Decent view of UP's tracks from this area.

You can still see the tracks under the trees.

The BNSF local is about to be passed by a northbound UP freight at 1:26 p.m. April 29.

BNSF-Santa Fe 8714, BNSF-BN 1524 being passed by UP 1959 and SP-unpatched 9755 at 1:27 p.m.

UP 2027, SP 9755 (unpatched but it does have a yellow replacement door) and UP 1959 about to cross the Arkansas River over the Baring Cross bridge at 1:29 p.m. Personally, I think this site would be ideal for a railfan pavilion.
I can see myself sitting under this shade tree, sipping a lemonade and watching trains.

MKT greet hopper 523.

MKT green hopper 556.

More pipes.

This is the BNSF local leaving, taken from my usual place at Union Station. These are CRLE blue boxcars, one CRLE 6405.

Track work equipment on the Amtrak siding. Note the two bicycles.

REPOS graffiti.

TTX/railgon gondola, GNTX 295381.

UP 6563 southbound, 1:58 p.m.

UP 6563.

DPU's 6333 and 6619.

A rose in our front flower garden. These roses were bought at the Rose Emporium in Independence, Texas (near Brenham) over 10 years ago and have bloomed every year since.

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