This web page is dedicated to my wife Sarah, who died September 29. We were married for 37 years just two weeks ago. For years she put up with my railfanning and would want me to continue my hobby. I took these train pictures during a lull in the hectic activities associated with the death of a loved one. Going to the station in Little Rock during this stressful time helped me keep my sanity, if for only a short time. Thanks to my fellow railfans in this area and others who were always there to help and support me. Friends are special in times like these, including those on Railspot and other mailing lists. (Ken Ziegenbein)

These photos were taken Friday October 1 and Sunday Oct 3, 2010. Included:
1) UP 2285, 9618, 2313, 4405, 4141, 5022, 6809, 6366, 1553, 2789
2) Rock Island blue hopper NAHX 65546
3) BKTY 121483 hopper with KATY trademark
4) Little girl
5) UP 97061 yellow gondola
6) MoPac clean boxcars with buzzsaw, FSR 253421, 253400
7) Railfans
8) Butterfly

UP 2285, Friday, October 1, 2010 at 11:24 a.m., a couple of hours before my family arrived.

Rock Island hopper NAHX 65546.

BKTY 121483 with the KATY red trademark.

11:54 a.m. Oct 1.

UP 9618 and M.O.W. equipment, 11:55 a.m. The train was stopped for signal.

UP 2313 on Main 1 passing UP 9618 at 11:56 a.m.

UP 2313.

Little girl waving at 11:57 a.m.

Crew member of UP 9618 stepped down and talked to the girl and her dad at 12:03 p.m.

UP 4405 as the train started moving north at 12:07 p.m.

Yellow UP gondola UP 97061.

Two 'clean-sans-graffiti- Missouri Pacific boxcars with the MoPac buzzsaw. These are FSR 253421 and 253400.

This could be titled "The Train Station." It has trains, people, equipment, platform.

Early morning shot of UP 4141 and other locomotives in front of the Downing B. Jenks shops in North Little Rock, AR, Sunday, October 3, 2010 at 9:27 a.m.

Jerry and Robin waiting for a train with me at Union Station October 3, 10:05 a.m.

My first train arrived at 10:13 a.m.

UP 5022, 10:13 a.m.

UP 6809 on an empty coal train at 10:24 a.m., October 3.

More railfans....Robin, John and Joe, our regular group. I assume John's finger in his nose was to prevent a sneeze?? lol

DPU UP 6366, 10:33 a.m.

12:45 p.m. Golden West Service boxcar.

UP 1553, 12:50 p.m.

UP 2789.

In memory of my late wife Sarah. I took this Monarch butterfly Friday, October 1.

Rest in peace, Sarah. You will be missed.

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