Union Pacific's 844 steam engine was on display at North Little Rock on Thursday, April 22, 2010 and here are a few scenes. (Ken Ziegenbein photos-thundertrain@gmail.com)

Jenks Shops are in the background.

One of UPSteam's escort vehicles from Cheyenne, Wyoming.

The concession car was open. It was only about 9 a.m. You can see the Arkansas State Capitol in the background.

KTHV-TV, the local CBS affiliated, was doing a live feed from the cab of 844 at 9:16 a.m.

The were on the air live when I took this.

Man posing in front of 844.  Gives one the proper scale of 844.

Same scene with my enhanced black background.

Downing B. Jenks shops as a south/westbound freight passes. Yes, the blue sky was enhanced for this one shot.

UP 2420 passes the display at 9:21 a.m.

Blowing the steam whistle.

UP 2420 passing UP 844, 9:21 a.m.

UP 2426 and UP 844.

An artist paints 844.

The panda stowaway.

Inside the cab taken from the platform.

Old friends inside the concession car.

Train coming off the Baring Cross Bridge, which crosses the Arkansas River, at 9:55 a.m.

UP 4042, 9:56 a.m. This scene could not be obtained without the 844 being displayed since this is on UP property.

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